Hey Everyone, Sorry I’ve been MIA for a year. đ I’ve had a lot of work to juggle, and to be honest, I needed to learn how to balance it all. It’s still a work in progress, but I’m focused on keeping this up-to-date! However, I won’t be posting Twin Flame readings to the website anymore. Just not enough time in the days!
Please follow me on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube and/or Facebook for my collective readings. The goal is regular quick reels readings, New Moon & Full Moon Energy Reports, and longer Collective Readings with major portals and astrological changes. I can promise you now, I won’t always post them when I should, lol. I wish I could post them more often, and diligently, but work & life are keeping me very busy, and I’m only one person. But that is my goal, along with the regular blog updates. I’ve had a lot of channeled messages come through for Twin Flames in the last year. It’s time to catch everyone up!!
To start off, I’m posting some old channeled messages from my Instagram before I created my blog. I need to have everything in the same place so we can find it all. So here and if needed in more posts, I’m going to cover those older messages but with updated insight as well.

1. Myth Debunked: There’s No Such Thing as a False Twin, Update: Except in Rare Cases
Update: I have hundreds of clients and out of all of them, 2 have had legitimate false twin flames. What makes them false twin flames? Spirit literally lied to the client in previous readings and told the client a karmic partner was their twin flame, so that the DF would stick around and see through the necessary karmic lessons and growth. Yes, this seems cruel. But one of the things I’ve learned is that our souls know and agree to our soul path before incarnating, and all of these experiences are part of our soul contracts and soul lessons for this lifetime.
Yes, it’s cruel, but it’s your own soul who made these choices to go through these experiences. I will say, I believe it’s more possible for false twins to happen nowadays because of wishful thinking. Because people are hearing the term twin flames, but not understanding what it really means. They just think it’s better than soulmates, so they are looking for a twin flame, and instead are finding karmic partners, unknowingly. But for it to be a true false twin flame, it really needs to have the added element of Spirit misinforming them, for the purpose of the lessons and growth. Only time will tell how frequent this will be.
Original Post:
This is a very prevalent misconception that I hear all the time. Many clients have said to me, when they are triggered and struggling with the separation, that they think maybe itâs a false twin. There are readers who speak about false Twins too. But from my knowledge and experience, repeat after me…There is no such thing as False Twins!
There are Karmic relationships and there is the Runner dynamic of Twin Flame separations. I explain the differences in detail in the videos I posted on Instagram, as well as a little more info about what twin flames are. So watch them for the most description.
False Twin Flames are actually called Karmic Partners
You do not have to worry about being fooled into thinking that you have a twin flame when you donât. Now if you have wishful thinking, thatâs another story. But honestly, why would you wish for a twin flame? You can have a soulmate without all the difficulties & painful parts.
The key characteristic of a twin flame relationship is the middle phase where you struggle through the separations while the runner twin particularly is transformed and healed so they are ready for union. You too, but mainly the runner twin. Itâs really hard and really painful at times, and it looks and feels like a karmic relationship except that walking away is not an option. Giving up is not an option. You know with every fiber of your being that that is your other half, you forgive them and love them unconditionally. The connection is absolutely unbreakable. You will know if you have a twin flame and you donât have to worry about losing them.
Karmics are usually very toxic and absolutely temporary. There is no real love in a karmic relationship. It can be abusive and you know itâs not going to last or be forever. But it has to run its course until you learn the lessons meant to transform you from it.

2. Twin Flames & Illusion: What’s Real & What’s Not?
Update: Not much to add here! This all still applies. In addition to the possibility of extenuating circumstances that may need time to sort out, for 50% of twin flames, spiritual warfare blocks the connection and needs to be fixed and healed by the Divine Feminine. That’s another topic for another post. But the point is that there are reasons why the DM can’t just come running immediately even if you “raise your vibration.” Also, it makes no sense that the DF works through all of this healing and awakening, and the DM doesn’t have to do anything. In the 3D, both Twins have to work through their healing process. The Divine Masculines don’t get to escape that. They have to heal, transform and step into their power and onto their soul paths consciously, not solely from 5D vibrations.
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âSeparation is an illusionâ Who thinks thatâs crap? Sorry Iâm blunt. Itâs just in my nature.
I speak about this at length in my recent series of videos. (At the time, on Instagram) This will be the shorter version. I came across this post from a somewhat popular twin flame guide. Iâm not one to call people out, but I was guided to clear up this fallacy. Or at least separate the truth from fiction. Iâm gonna cut to the chase…
Yes, in the 5D, separation is an illusion. Anytime you can go within, meditate, elevate your vibration and thinking, you will feel your twin there. Your souls are united. This is why you have a telepathic connection with them and feel them all the time…. But what about the 3D? Clearly the fact that your twin is not laying in bed next to you tells you that separation is not an illusion. Though the main point this guide is making is that its your focus on the separation and limiting beliefs that are creating the separation. According to this guide, as soon as you remove limiting beliefs and negative beliefs from your thinking, blocks will be removed and your twin will rearrange their life in order to reunite with you.
Everything happens for a reason.
Hereâs why thatâs not true…separation has a purpose. It is not necessary for everyone but when it occurs, thereâs a reason for it. Separation is a catalyst for soul searching, transformation and healing required of both the DM and the DF. DF, it is your goal to move through that & align your vibration in the 5D. As you complete this you help your DM do it too. But separation will not end until the DM finishes their transformation too.
The DMs will not end the separation until they have finished going through their dark night of the soul and the transformative process. They will not go through the actions of rearranging their lives until their healing is complete. They can have the desire to do so and the desire to communicate with you for a long time, but they wonât go through with the actions until theyâre fully healed and ready. And sometimes there are extenuating circumstances as well that require more careful planning for the DMâs to remove third parties or other situations from their lives. There is no one size fits all explanation or story.
I know this because myself and other readers and DFs I know are in the same position in which we are healed and surrendered, and aligned with our souls and the 5D, and in 5D & 3D energetic Union, but our DMâs, while in the same or nearly the same position, are still sorting out the details of their lives in order to create 3D union. So we know from our experiences and knowledge attained from others.
Set your expectations appropriately.
It is still important to raise your vibration! But donât expect that you can instantly bring your twin to you. Even if you are surrendered and you are no longer giving power away to others, your twin must also be doing the same in order for 3D union to align and manifest. If not, your twin still needs to complete their cycles and fully learn their lessons in order to move forward. And you know what, the more surrendered you feel, then thatâs a clue to you that you are more aligned with your 5D self and getting to where you need to be. Keep heading in that direction! Trust it!
There is a lot of misinformation out there about twin flames. Itâs important to take what resonates with you and your journey and ignore the rest.

3. You can never lose your Twin Flame! Theyâre your Little Boomerang!
Update: Remember that separations have a purpose. Remember that karmic relationships and situations bring about certain necessary lessons and soul growth. Remember that sometimes, both Twins have to be on their own, separate from each other, in order to process healing and awakening which wouldn’t occur properly if they were together in a relationship. Solitude is a necessary part of the growth process sometimes. But Twin Flames always come back to each other! All roads lead to your Twin Flame!
Original Post:
So many are afraid of the separations or the influence of outside parties. But you can never lose a true twin flame! They are a part of you. Your souls are eternally connected in the 5D. Do you feel that unbreakable connection that does not allow you to walk away from them? They feel it too. Do you feel that unconditional love for your twin? They feel it too. Separations happen because one or both of you does try to deny the connection temporarily, or doesnât feel good enough and needs to do inner work to feel deserving of you. But you both always feel the intensity and permanence of the connection. You cannot live without each other and you both know that, even during separations. You will ALWAYS boomerang back to each other. ALWAYS! When youâre both ready, that reunion will be permanent.
ItĂs difficult to find well-informed people in this particular topic, but you seem like you know what youĂre talking about! Thanks