More Oldies but Goodies for you! Continuing what I started in my last post, below you will find more previously channeled twin flame information with updated insights. The theme for today is Twin Flame Union! We will most definitely have more to talk about pertaining to Union, in the future, but for now, let’s revisit […]
twin flames
I’m Back! Let’s Catch Up…Oldies but Goodies, Twin Flame Rules
Hey Everyone, Sorry I’ve been MIA for a year. 🙈 I’ve had a lot of work to juggle, and to be honest, I needed to learn how to balance it all. It’s still a work in progress, but I’m focused on keeping this up-to-date! However, I won’t be posting Twin Flame readings to the website […]
2/15/21 Twin Flame Soul Truths
It’s been a few weeks since I could do my Soul Truth Reading. So Spirit has a lot to say today to make up for it! Some of these messages are repetitive, and that’s because either more people need to hear it, or some of you need to listen to them! So you can listen […]
2/10/21 Twin Flame Reading: DM’s debating their path forward to DF
A new moon is present this week, which traditionally pushes forward towards new beginnings. Accordingly in this week’s twin flame reading, the DM’s are analyzing their options for their path forward away from karmic situations and back to their DF’s. This reading can apply to any wave, but it feels mostly 2nd wave twins. To […]
1/27/21 Twin Flame Reading: DM’s digging out of their karmic trenches!
This group of Divine Masculines is aware of everything they need to do and is in the process of preparing to do it. They want to bring this Union into reality, and Spirit is guiding them through every step! Watch the video reading here. Subscribe to my channel for regular updates! How is Spirit assisting […]
Twin Flame Reading 1/17/21: Cycles shifting forward!
Another week, another twin flame reading! What is going on with the collective currently? It seems that this month at least, Spirit is communicating with me about the first wave twins who are still very close to positive shifts forward and Union! What do they have to say today? To watch this reading, pop over […]
Twin Flame Reading 1/7/21
Welcome to the beginning of January! It’s taken me a few days to get this reading posted here. Subscribe to my YouTube channel to get twin flame reading updates as soon as they are uploaded! Watch the video reading on top, or read it below! January Week 1 Twin Flame Collective Update There is a […]
Twin Flame Collective Tarot Card Reading 12/14/20
I pulled this oracle & tarot card reading for the twin flame collective and did a video reading as well as this written one. I feel that this reading is for the first or possibly second wave twins, but as I state in the video, I am not focusing on waves anymore. Image by Mira […]
Twin Flames: Soulmates on Steroids??! Or are you Crazy?!
Do you feel like you are going insane over someone who you absolutely cannot get out of your head or heart, but the relationship isn’t working…yet? It is very possible that you have met your Twin Flame. Image by Pexels from Pixabay Twin flames are a very controversial topic. There are many people who don’t […]