Hey Everyone, Welcome to the beginning of your 10 day palindrome portal. Here’s your soul truth reading plus I’m adding in oracle cards for an extra bit of guidance to the collective.
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Your Soul Truth Guidance
The Goddesses Oracle Deck shows us that it’s important not to back down and stand up for what is right deep in our souls. But don’t allow harsh negative energies to bring us down. It’s important to cleanse them at this time. Caring and nurturing of children is involved right now, or important to take into consideration. Keep yourself focused on your intention and you will manifest the outcome. Trust that this is true love, and your home environments will benefit from positive changes coming soon.
- Am I apologizing for my truth? What part of you is apologizing for your truth? Why? Today be proud of your truth. Catch yourself when you want to apologize or withhold parts of it. You never know who’s life you will change when you are brave enough to speak it. Be the lighthouse that shines on the courage that lives in all of us. This will give others permission to speak their own truth. There is room for all of us. Today’s Mantra: Courage is contagious.
- What risk can I take today? Be not mistaken, you will have to take bigger risks than you ever thought possible on this path towards your dreams. You will have to take THE BIG, SCARY LEAP. But do not fret, because your soul has wings. What risk can you take to move towards your dreams? Make a decision and do it. No more thinking, only doing. Be brave and courageous and you will discover what you are really made of.
- What are the dominant emotions that run my life? How do you fill your day? Stress or joy? Trust or anger? Anxiety or peace? We have only today, right now, the journey. No goal, no destination will bring us the feeling we seek. But when we begin filling everyday with that which we value most, we will attract more of it. This is fulfillment. Lean into what you want to feel and adjust your life, your values, and your expectations to match your desires. What do you want to feel? Are you willing to let go of the belief that you have to achieve something to feel it?
- What expectations do I have that are impossible to meet? The expectations we have are mostly delusional and impossible to meet. We then experience disappointment with ourselves or with a relationship when they are not met. It’s time to dissolve your expectations and replace them with gratitude. BE GRATEFUL. You are being summoned to more peace. Peace is home for our soul and it is accompanied by trust. It comes when you surrender and focus only on what you can control. If you expect nothing and are grateful for everything, you will experience extreme fulfillment.
- Am I letting fear stop me? Are you experiencing a mountain of fear right now? Are you stalling, freezing or giving up? The juicy secret is that YOU ARE THE BOSS OF FEAR – you are unstoppable! But, it’s up to you to see that by taking ACTION. Today be brave and do it scared. Choose one fear and move through it. You are in need of a hero, so that is who you will become.
- Where can I create more space? Instead of filling yourself up with busywork and things to do, create more sacred space in your schedule, in your home, your mind, your lungs and in your heart. Take time to just be. Do a clutter detox of your schedule, home, and innermost self. Make space; clarity will come.
- Who am I ready to forgive? “I am not what happened to me, I am who I choose to become.” C.G. Jung. Is it time to let go, forgive and move onward? Is your soul ready to forgive someone else or yourself? Forgiveness brings sweet release, freedom and insight. Look at it from their shoes, notice how you grew, and what you learned. Who do you want to become and how is this resistance holding you from what your soul wants? Write a forgiveness letter, then practice the Ho’oponopono Prayer today while thinking of the person you are ready to forgive: I love you, I am sorry, please forgive me, thank you.
- Am I on the right path? Sometimes we second-guess what we are doing, we lose trust in the process and question if we are even on the right path at all. Know this: You are on the right path. Keep going, keep believing, keep remembering that you made a soul contract that you are currently fulfilling in every area of your life. Even if you can’t see it, that doesn’t mean it’s not real. Today search for all the ways you are aligned with your soul’s purpose. The signs will appear. Let this new-found trust fuel your next steps.