Every Divine Feminine knows that the pain of Twin Flame Separation is the worst pain imaginable. It brings you to your knees, can make you suicidal even, and forces you through significant transformation. Plus while in separation, triggers come up too. So you can be surrendering to the process pretty well, but then BAM! Hit […]
4/27/21 Twin Flame Full Moon Reading: Feminine’s tested while Masculine’s have breakthroughs!
This is a special Full Moon Twin Flame Reading with a layout or spread that I was guided through by Spirit as I did it. While looking at the spread, note that the inner shape is in a moon, with an outer halo to the moon, and further protection at the four corners of the […]
4/14/21 Twin Flame Reading: Union is SOOOO close!
I’m sorry I’m late! I uploaded this twin flame reading to YouTube on the 14th, but I have had zero time to post it written. I’m sorry friends! I’m a one man show with a lot to juggle. That’s why the Twin Flame section of my blog desperately needs updating! But here it is, and […]
4/6/21 Twin Flame Reading: Triggers are coming up before Union, but Keep the Faith!
This is a difficult week for twin flames. Many are being triggered, tested and purging. It’s important to remember that these difficult emotions need to be released in order to leave them in the past and move forward towards Union, which is also evident in the cards for this twin flame reading. It continues to […]
3/28/21 Twin Flame Akashic Records: All Twins are Finding their Power for Union
For the Full Moon, I wanted to do an Akashic Records reading for the entire Twin Flame Collective. This reading really blew me away with what Spirit showed. I used the same format as my Akashic Records reading in my shop, first looking at the Akashics, and then asking for extra information. I see this […]
3/16/21 Twin Flame Reading: New Moon Energies
Last week’s New Moon really helped both twins, individually, work through some necessary shadow work in order to break through obstacles still standing in their way. This twin flame reading reflects the same trigger energies many were feeling in the leadup to the New Moon, but also the success in reclaiming their power & pushing […]
2/25/21 Twin Flame Reading: DM’s are ready to break free & Unite!
This twin flame reading is a week late making it to my blog & Instagram, but I did record it for YouTube last week! It’s just been a busy week. If you have the time to watch, I highly recommend watching the video because I feel some important messages came through from Spirit about how […]
2/15/21 Twin Flame Soul Truths
It’s been a few weeks since I could do my Soul Truth Reading. So Spirit has a lot to say today to make up for it! Some of these messages are repetitive, and that’s because either more people need to hear it, or some of you need to listen to them! So you can listen […]
2/10/21 Twin Flame Reading: DM’s debating their path forward to DF
A new moon is present this week, which traditionally pushes forward towards new beginnings. Accordingly in this week’s twin flame reading, the DM’s are analyzing their options for their path forward away from karmic situations and back to their DF’s. This reading can apply to any wave, but it feels mostly 2nd wave twins. To […]
1/27/21 Twin Flame Reading: DM’s digging out of their karmic trenches!
This group of Divine Masculines is aware of everything they need to do and is in the process of preparing to do it. They want to bring this Union into reality, and Spirit is guiding them through every step! Watch the video reading here. Subscribe to my channel for regular updates! How is Spirit assisting […]