Wow, this Twin Flame Energy check-in after the 8/8 Lion’s Gate Portal is on fire!! The is the closest to Union yet! The first wave twins, who we already know are already starting to come into Union, are really ramping this up! Remember that not everyone can come into Union at the exact same time. […]
7/17/21 Twin Flame Reading: Time to Focus on Releasing & Surrender to Align with Union
I’m behind on posting this twin flame reading, but the energy still applies. While there may be daily fluctuations in each Twins’ energy, the overall state of the connections are generally the same. If you haven’t noticed, the twin flame journey is a marathon, not a sprint. Big shifts seem to take longer periods of […]
6/27/21 Solstice Twin Flame Reading: How have the energies shifted Twins closer to Union?
In today’s twin flame reading, we are taking a look at how the Solstice & Full Moon energies shifted the Twins closer to Union, and what each side is working on to prepare to move forward. If you’d like a laugh, watching the beginning of this video reading, where I pickup the camera stand to […]
6/12/21 Twin Flame Reading: How has the New Moon Solar Eclipse impacted the Twins?
For this twin flame reading specifically looking at the impact of the New Moon Solar Eclipse on the collective, I was guided to layout the cards in a new way. The middle has a column examining the connections with the Akashic Records, and then everything to the left is all the Divine Feminine while everything […]
5/26/21 Full Moon Eclipse Twin Flame Reading – What is being released?
On May 26th a very very powerful ascension event occurred with the super moon, full moon, lunar eclipse. This twin flame reading is to assess the impact of the full moon eclipse on the collective. Looking at what is being released overall, and how the twins are mirroring each other. Along with this, the energy […]
5/5 Portal Channeling Part 2: Twins are not Narcissists…Unconditional Love Needed
While channeling the 5/5 Portal Twin Flame Reading, some important guidance for Twins on unconditional love and the differences between runner Divine Masculines and narcissists came through. I hate seeing supposed experts claiming that twin flames are just narcissists and bashing the journey. These people do not understand the journey at all! Plus, anyone claiming […]
5/5 Portal Twin Flame Reading: Get Ready for Divine Union! Part 1
In true serendipity, I was interviewed about twin flames on the 5/5 Portal, and asked to give a forecast for twin flames for the rest of the year. This twin flame reading is that forecast but more detailed. When I recorded it for YouTube, I also channeled a couple messages about runner twins versus narcissists, […]
4/27/21 Twin Flame Full Moon Reading: Feminine’s tested while Masculine’s have breakthroughs!
This is a special Full Moon Twin Flame Reading with a layout or spread that I was guided through by Spirit as I did it. While looking at the spread, note that the inner shape is in a moon, with an outer halo to the moon, and further protection at the four corners of the […]
4/14/21 Twin Flame Reading: Union is SOOOO close!
I’m sorry I’m late! I uploaded this twin flame reading to YouTube on the 14th, but I have had zero time to post it written. I’m sorry friends! I’m a one man show with a lot to juggle. That’s why the Twin Flame section of my blog desperately needs updating! But here it is, and […]
4/6/21 Twin Flame Reading: Triggers are coming up before Union, but Keep the Faith!
This is a difficult week for twin flames. Many are being triggered, tested and purging. It’s important to remember that these difficult emotions need to be released in order to leave them in the past and move forward towards Union, which is also evident in the cards for this twin flame reading. It continues to […]