Today we are going to talk a walk through my previous Instagram posts about the different ways to navigate the twin flame journey, and the significant role of unconditional love in the journey. Afterall, the purpose of the journey is learning how to embody unconditional love, but this is also what heals and inspires the […]
The Ins & Outs of Twin Flame Union
More Oldies but Goodies for you! Continuing what I started in my last post, below you will find more previously channeled twin flame information with updated insights. The theme for today is Twin Flame Union! We will most definitely have more to talk about pertaining to Union, in the future, but for now, let’s revisit […]
I’m Back! Let’s Catch Up…Oldies but Goodies, Twin Flame Rules
Hey Everyone, Sorry I’ve been MIA for a year. 🙈 I’ve had a lot of work to juggle, and to be honest, I needed to learn how to balance it all. It’s still a work in progress, but I’m focused on keeping this up-to-date! However, I won’t be posting Twin Flame readings to the website […]
Post Lion’s Gate Twin Flame Energy: Union Track Alignment
Wow, this Twin Flame Energy check-in after the 8/8 Lion’s Gate Portal is on fire!! The is the closest to Union yet! The first wave twins, who we already know are already starting to come into Union, are really ramping this up! Remember that not everyone can come into Union at the exact same time. […]
7/17/21 Twin Flame Reading: Time to Focus on Releasing & Surrender to Align with Union
I’m behind on posting this twin flame reading, but the energy still applies. While there may be daily fluctuations in each Twins’ energy, the overall state of the connections are generally the same. If you haven’t noticed, the twin flame journey is a marathon, not a sprint. Big shifts seem to take longer periods of […]
Workshop! Soul Clearing & DNA Activation for your Twin Flame Journey
I’m very excited to announce this workshop I setup with 2 other amazing lightworker women! Are you ready to take your twin flame journey to the next phase? We can help by clearing karmic and energetic blocks to attract or reunite with your twin flame while gaining understanding of the transformative journey. Many of us […]
MindBizLife Podcast Episode 253: Mid-Year 2021 Twin Flame Energy Update
I am so incredibly honored to be featured on Lauren Smith’s Top 100 podcast, Master Your Mind, Business & Life, speaking about Twin Flames today on the 7/7 Portal for the Twin Flame Energy Report! Lauren invited me on her podcast to give a mid-year energy report for twin flames, for the back half of […]
6/27/21 Solstice Twin Flame Reading: How have the energies shifted Twins closer to Union?
In today’s twin flame reading, we are taking a look at how the Solstice & Full Moon energies shifted the Twins closer to Union, and what each side is working on to prepare to move forward. If you’d like a laugh, watching the beginning of this video reading, where I pickup the camera stand to […]
6/12/21 Twin Flame Reading: How has the New Moon Solar Eclipse impacted the Twins?
For this twin flame reading specifically looking at the impact of the New Moon Solar Eclipse on the collective, I was guided to layout the cards in a new way. The middle has a column examining the connections with the Akashic Records, and then everything to the left is all the Divine Feminine while everything […]
5/26/21 Full Moon Eclipse Twin Flame Reading – What is being released?
On May 26th a very very powerful ascension event occurred with the super moon, full moon, lunar eclipse. This twin flame reading is to assess the impact of the full moon eclipse on the collective. Looking at what is being released overall, and how the twins are mirroring each other. Along with this, the energy […]