I pulled this oracle & tarot card reading for the twin flame collective and did a video reading as well as this written one. I feel that this reading is for the first or possibly second wave twins, but as I state in the video, I am not focusing on waves anymore.
Image by Mira Cosic from Pixabay
So many twins have now been activated that there are many different waves and varieties of stages within the waves as well. So it’s important that you, with any collective reading, take what resonates for you and ignore what doesn’t. Don’t try to make every reading fit for you.
You can find the video reading here:
So let’s dive right in!
These Divine Masculines have been working hard on closing out stressful karmic cycles. They are in their King, powerful, energy. They’ve been doing the work on themselves, self-analyzing and looking at their lives to figure out where they want to go and how to get there, and they’re trying to bring it to fruition. But Spirit does have them in a brief pause to purge some emotions and wounds again. But there’s no need to worry. This is temporary, positive outcomes are still promised.
Both sides need to release fears and worries holding them back and trust their intuitions. The DMs are going to escape the cages they’ve been in, and the DFs need to trust them to return when they’re meant to. Events are going to unfold that bring about these final karmic cycle and situation endings and bring justice to the connection. Victory is coming and Twin Flame Union and Peace are on the other side of that. All of your wishes coming to fruition.
The obstacles are clearing and the sun is coming out. The DMs having been following their guidance and continuing down their paths. Endings are happening (with karmic partners and situations). Children may be involved, and that has been part of the issue, or Spirit babies are guiding both twins. Communication will be coming from these DMs soon, if not already, followed by a brand new fresh start, new beginning. And culminating in abundance and prosperity for these unions!
Trust that this connection is not over. Trust that Spirit has been working on these DMs, regenerating them into who they are meant to be and action comes right behind that for them to get back to you. Because you are their tribe, where they belong, and they know this.
Love Messages from the DMs:
- I forgive you
- Truth is, I miss you
- I will never let you go
- Release the old to make way for the new
- Everything is falling into place due to our hard work
- The first time I saw you, my heart whispered “that’s the one”
- You are the one I have been waiting for my whole life
- You are the sunshine of my life
- I think you are sexy
- I love you
Referring again to the pause Spirit put the DMs in, they are purging regret, disappointments, grief over everything that has kept them from their DFs. And during this time they have been mute with you over what they’re going through. They can’t even help keeping it to themselves. They haven’t been ready to communicate. So anything you have seen happening in the 3D doesn’t mean anything. It’s lies for appearances. Know and trust that they are reinventing themselves and awakening.
These DMs admire their DF so deeply and know that they are their soulmate and their tribe. They have no intention of abandoning you so don’t feel that way! They are returning, to express their devotion and commitment to you. DFs, it’s in the bag! Don’t worry or stress! You do have to trust that it will all occur in Divine Timing and Spirit has good control over this. But, with the Fall card, it seems that some of you may be lucky and get a miracle in this last week of Fall! Or, anyone in the Southern hemisphere, may be expecting positive forward movement in the fall, March to June.
So I hope this reading helps some of you! If you have any questions, please let me know in the comments.
Please subscribe to my youtube as well if you’d like to follow the video readings or vlogs on twin flames that I will be posting there!
Much Love, Jessica